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Winter 2022 Schedule & Updates

Updated: Aug 3, 2022


If you'd like to play with us, please email James Denison at

Join our email list for organized practice updates. Send us your phone number to be added to our GroupMe chat for info about lake swimming, social events, golf trips etc. You can also join our Facebook Group.


Mondays & Thursdays

What: 30 minutes to warm up. 1 hour co-ed scrimmage. We finally got back in the pool Fall '21 and it's been a blast!

Where: Skyline High School Pool (indoor) - 2552 N Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Park on the south entrance near the glass doors that say "Student/Event Entrance", walk to the right of the glass doors and enter in the 2nd door. Post in the GroupMe chat if you need help finding us.

Friendly Reminders:

Masks must be worn into the building until it is time to get into the pool. Everyone shares the reffing duties. After practice, we need to put in the lanes and flags.


All players must complete the 5 steps below before entering the pool.

Please email James at with the following:

  1. Your full name and email address

  2. A copy of your USA Water Polo card showing active membership

  3. A photo of your vaccine card showing full COVID-19 vaccination PLUS booster shots (required by 2/1/22)

  4. Signed club waiver – This document covers membership requirements (aka dues, covid vaccine for scrimmaging, etc), and is also a liability waiver. Please print and sign, or e-sign. This is something that only needs to be done once.

  5. Payment – $200/year paid in tri-annual installments

    1. Due to Treasurer: Brittany Pinter

    2. Pay by cash, check (Wolverine Water Polo) or Venmo (@Brittpinter15)

    3. Prospective members can "drop in" up to 3 times for a $10 fee per practice before committing to full membership. These drop-in fees can be applied towards member dues if you decide to join the club. ​


Cincinnati Tournament – February 19-20

- Please fill out this form ASAP if you would like to attend the Cincinnati tourney the weekend of February 19-20. Sign-Up Form

- The sign-ups will be open until January 24, at which point if we have more than a full roster, the board will select a tourney team based on practice attendance.


The current policy is that we will cap at 12 field players and 2 goalies. We will have a sign-up deadline 4 weeks before (if possible). Rather than first come, first served, all who sign up before the deadline will have equal priority. If too many sign up before the deadline, then the board will decide who will go based with consideration for the best interests of the team/club, and based primarily on practice attendance and involvement in the club (i.e. attendance in the preceding weeks and months, and in the history of the club - this will be evaluated holistically, with the notion that this will be evaluated rather than playing skill, social ties/“playing favorites”, etc.).

One of the goals for the board shall be to ensure that everyone who wants to compete at tournaments will have an equal opportunity to do so (i.e. that all will have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their involvement and commitment to the club, which is the principal basis for tournament selection, and that the board will seek to offer new as well as longtime players opportunities to participate). For no more than two tournaments per year (normally very competitive tournaments, typically outside of the Midwest), the board may select a top team of the best players instead.

For Midwest tournaments, each person will be asked to pay a $30 tournament fee and the team funds will supplement any remaining fees. Fees for more expensive tourneys (typically competitive tourneys outside of the Midwest) will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

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